Wednesday, July 12 • 1:30pm - 1:50pm
Optimize your private blockchain storage with Raku language

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NOTE FROM THE PLANNERS: Due to delays at the Canadian Visa office, Konstantin Narkhov cannot attend TPRC this year, and this is therefore cancelled. We very much hope Konstantin can join us at a future conference.

As we speak about blockchain as the storage for sensitive or protected data, we should permanently think about the data cost. If we are trying to create fast and secure decentralized application we should really optimize design and source code as well. This talk is about how to do it in Raku lang.

AbstractAs we speak about blockchain as the storage for sensitive or protected data, we should permanently think about the data cost. From one side the cost would be calculated in real money: if we are storing data in Ethereum mainnet every transaction needs some gas and this gas costs something. You can check current Ethereum currency rates, figure out average gas usage per transaction and calculate average gas cost. From other side, if we are storing data on public test network or private networks where gas costs nothing, we consume resources and explicit time as well — this impacts the speed and average response time of our application.

Well, to decrease the latencies and unexpected outgoings we should minimize the storing data: just crop it out or compress. The maximum effect would be expected while combining both these methods.

Compressed data is just a simple byte sequence, obviously if we are able to store it — we are able to store any binary data, e.g. encrypted or encrypted-and-compressed as well. From this view, we have some kind of double secure model: we use secure default secure level by blockchain itself (access and data consistency) alongside the additional level that allows encrypted and compressed data storing.

Actually the Raku and its ecosystem (modules, applications) could be easily used as a framework for quick start with decentralized applications, sensitive data trackers and local Ethereum networks browsers.

The first known content management system with data storing on Ethereum blockchain is written in Raku. This is Pheix. It’s good for both private and public networks, it’s ideal for experiments with data storing on Ethereum blockchain: there are a lot of debugging features, compression (LZW::Revolunet for texts and Compress::Bzip2) and encryption (OpenSSL bundle) support.

In this talk we will consider the features and option of data storing on Ethereum blockchain, demonstrate practical methods to decrease data storing costs, compare compression and encryption algorithms. At the end we will demonstrate the Pheix CMS — an open decentralized Raku driven system in a public beta version.
This talk is basically for software architects and developers of secure systems, as well as Raku enthusiasts who are involved in blockchain technology and decentralization issues.

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Konstantin Narkhov

Backend developer, MultiSafePay
My interests are in the field of real-time systems programming, modeling software for embedded systems development, test automation and software verification. I am working on formalized description of multi-threaded applications, development of automated software generation facilities... Read More →

Wednesday July 12, 2023 1:30pm - 1:50pm EDT

Attendees (1)